name: meagan
occupation: receptionist/food drive coordinator for northwest harvest/college student
what are you wearing? tunic and bag from bershka, jeans from monki, necklace from a random stand in barcelona
what are you currently listening to?
feist, håkan hellström, mika, rosie thomas, over the rhine, desmond dekker, i shuffle between just about anything!
where are your favorite places to shop?
red light, buffalo exchange, h&m, bershka, random little boutiques I run into, other people's hand me downs
who are your fashion icons?
myself, and my best friend emily! we have no boundaries!
what are the best things about seattle?
i love how green it is here. it's fresh and clean.
what are your favorite fashion trends?
long tops.
what is/are your favorite piece/s of clothing?
jeans, dresses, bags, tunics, shoes, i love everything!
what do you love most about fashion?
i like to be able to express myself every day, with different colors, cuts, and layers.
i love the necklace
I love her style. It's perfection! And the fact that she likes Håkan Hellstöm is awesome.
Greetings from Sweden!
hej sverige!
tack så mycket!
Meagan is dressed really nice for a hot day. The look has a good style. good picture.
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