capitol hill was overflowing with magnificent halloween madness on the saturday night before the great trick-or-treat holiday.
the musical creators of love and happiness, joy and magic - marching band ORKESTAR ZIRKONIUM - paraded from the cha-cha lounge to rosebud, pony, kincora and linda's in their outrageously fabulous “halloween pub crawl.” they threw the crazed crowds into a frenzy with their intoxicatingly delicious balkan/klezmer/eastern european-inspired dance tunes.
as stated from their website, http://www.orkestarzirkonium.com :
“as a marching band, our desire is to facilitate joyous musical spectacles in unexpected locales. our performances range from the completely unsanctioned to the civically sponsored: we maraud through grocery stores, throw dance parties in fountains and parks, and take over parties as surprise (and, sometimes, invited) guests; we burst uninvited into taverns, play for families at city festivals, provide the soundtrack for underground casinos, and entertain wedding-goers.”
their mad improvisational skills, the insane energy and the total spontenaity of it all contributed to an extremely wild and amazingly exhilarating experience. my lord, children, i haven't had so much fun dancing and celebrating in the streets with hundreds of jubilant (and somewhat sloshed) people in my life. whoo-hoo!