i am inspired by senator barack obama because of his honesty, his moral character and convictions, and his uncorrupted beliefs. his message of unity between all the groups that have been divided and oppressed truly shows his understanding of the challenges that face 21st century multicultural america. i admire him for reaching out not only to democrats, but also to republicans, independents, greens - the plight of ALL americans matter to him, not just a select few. i'm not trying to turn this into a political blog, and i could go on and on about ALL the millions of reasons why i love mr. obama, so i'm not going to preach to you. h o w e v e r...i will tell you this: right now i am loving him because HE SHOOK MY HAND!!!

billy joe and the 45s.

hey omg i love you! you are soo sweet!
thanx sooo much for taking my picture last night. obama was soo amaziing and powerful!
oh by the way my name is Jackie.
e amil me carmagirl333@hotmail.com
thanx again
lu yahh
awesome to meet you last night! We love the picture. Sara and Drew
You were there! Yay Obama!
I Hate Generic
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